Product Details


Nakoda Deluxe Container


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  • Transparent Storage Box With Lid For Multiple Uses At Home, Office, Store rooms, Lofts.
  • Keeps stuff safe from termites, fungus and dust.
  • Used for storing Clothes, Files and papers, seasonal articles like woolen clothes and comforters.
  • This box is available in 13 different sizes.
  • All the storage boxes have been mentioned with approximate volume/Capacity.
000 90 L X65 W X 43 H 150 ML
111 112 L X 85 W X 53 H 300 ML
222 138 L X 105 W X 62 H 650 ML
333 172 L X 132 W X 78 H 1150 ML
444 205 L X 155 W X 91 H 2175 ML
555 238 L X 179 W X 100 H 2880 ML
666 269 L X 197 W X 110 H 4050 ML
777 296 L X 225 W X 132 H 7250 ML
888 336 L X 259 W X 168 H 10850 ML
999 378 L X 303 W X 198 H 16820 ML
1000 426 L X 342 W X 226 H 24500 ML
1100 476 L X 384 W X 252 H 34500 ML
1200 534 L X 420 W X 281 H 46000 ML

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111, 333


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